Call for Abstracts/Abstract Submission

The Classification Society is proud to host its annual conference on classification and clustering at Carnegie Mellon University from June 14 - 16, 2012. The conference has an inclusive focus on all facets of classification and clustering, including but not limited to: combinatorial optimization, data mining, machine learning, statistical classification, mixture modeling, etc. In addition to addressing a wide array of methodological approaches to grouping data, the fields of applications have a rich tradition of being quite broad with some examples including educational testing, national security, federal policies, text mining, astronomy, and much more.

The Classification Society is requesting abstracts for oral presentations that are applicable to any area of classification.
The conference is not limited geographically and hopes to continue to attract attendees and presenters from around the globe.

Abstracts can be submitted by email to

Submission Deadline: May 31st, 2012 (11:59pm Eastern)
Notification: rolling

Please indicate if you are part of an invited session (organizer's name).

Note: Graduate students should identify themselves as such in their submissions in order to be eligible for possible awards, etc.